Hypnosis Workshops Canada Hypnosis Training
Hypnosis Certification Training Metaphysical Training

Hypnosis Workshops

Peggy offers fantastic workshops that cover so many topics!

Anxiety Release

About the workshop:

  • What part of the mind runs us? Do you know?
  • What part of the mind overrules every other part of the mind?
  • Did you know that the mind runs the body?
  • Do you know what fear or anxiety is?
  • Do you know what it means for you to do?
  • Do you know how to release it?

Find out the answers to these questions and so much more in this workshop!

This workshop includes a hypnosis session!

Past Life Regression

Have you ever wondered if you've been here before! Are you curious to know who you were, what you did and if you brought any of it though with you to this life?

So many unanswered questions!

Now you have an opportunity to find out! Peggy will guide you though a Past life Regression session allowing you to find out the answers to some or all of these questions

Past Life Regression

Were you here before?

You Could Find out why you keep repeating the same mistakes over and over What is causing you to stay in a dead-end relations? Or maybe you are just curious about your past life or lives?

Past Life Regression is an amazing way to heal past wounds and move forwarded to a happy, fulfilling life. It can heal you emotionally/physically and spiritually by letting go of the past.

Heart Coherence

In this workshop

Each person will get to attach and sensor to see if your heart is in coherence.

Learn how to put your heart in coherence

Why this is so important to your overall health!

What does this have to do with your brain!

When your heart becomes coherent, your nervous system responds by increasing the brain's energy, creativity, and intuition, which has a positive effect on virtually every organ in the body!

Did you know neuroradiologists and many other scientists believe the heart, which constantly shares information with the brain, has a brain of its own?

We now know that the heart sends much more information to the brain than it receives, including signals that can influence perception, emotional experience and higher mental processes.

Contact Us

The Hypnosis Connection & Training Center offers hypnosis workshops in Waterloo, Kitchener, Guelph, Cambridge, Stratford, London, Toronto, and across Canada.